Use of SQL Wildcards and Pattern Matching

Pattern matches are used where one may not know what an exact match is. Pattern matches require the use of the LIKE operator with wildcard characters
and manipulate string data.

Sample query:

Select RowID, TextDescription FROM SomeTable Where TextDescription _______________

To follow along I have a script file, “PatternMatching and the LIKE Operator.sql

Wildcard patternPossibly valid resultsPossible invalid resultsReason?
LIKE ‘YE%’YELLOW, yellow, yesyellow, if a case-sensitive collation was used. 
LIKE ‘ye%’YELLOW, yellow, yesYELLOW, if a case-sensitive collation was used. 
LIKE ‘%een’green, Halloweengreenish 
LIKE ‘%en%’spent, entertain, hennext 
LIKE ‘_en’henGlenn 
LIKE ‘[CK]%’{Starts with either C or K followed by anything}
cost, kick
LIKE ‘[H-M]an%’ {Starts with any letter in the range of H through M}
hand, Jansport, man

Could also combine this technique,
LIKE ‘[H-M][H-M][H-M]246%’ to find HJJ246a or MJI246b
grand, sand, stand 
LIKE ‘M[^c]%’MacDonald, MicropolisMcDonald 
LIKE ‘Sm_th’Smith, SmythSmythe, Smooth 

LIKE can be combined with other expressions using logical operators such as:

Select RowID, TextDescription
FROM SomeTable
Where TextDescription LIKE ‘%een’
TextDescription LIKE ‘M[^c]%’

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