Exchange Public Folder Application Development Architecture (in-progress)

A Public Folder Collaboration Application begins with…

  • Public Folder +
  • a default posting Form +
  • Public Folder Permissions +
  • Custom Form +
  • Custom View +
  • Code

= A Collaboration Application!

Choose a default form when creating a Public Folder (when creating a PF in a MAPI client)

Can point to a web URL on a Public Folder. Notice also nested Public Folders.

Public Folder Permissions Dialog Box. Notice the Roles list box…many pre-defined roles to choose from, such as Owner, Publishing Editor, Editor, Publishing Author, Author, Contributor, Reviewer,…

Quite an integrated development environment when creating custom forms.
Notice multiple form TABs, custom controls, custom fields, a number of available data types.

Many available controls when defining a Custom View on Folder, to control the display of folder items.

An Outlook View is like a database report which includes a query, group by, sort by, field selection and formatting selections.

VBScript code can be placed behind a Public Folder and can trigger activity, such as when a new item is added or deleted.

Also, Workflow applications can be built on a Public Folder structure. Special tools are required, such as Microsoft Office Developer Edition.

One can also connect a Public Folder to a live ODBC database.

CONCLUSION…There are many development possibilities. Don’t forget to see some possible Exchange and Outlook book references for developers.